To break down barriers between the public, people with disabilities and technology developers, and to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities, CYBATHLON organizes various events.
The main driver of CYBATHLON is a unique competition in which people with disabilities compete against each other to complete everyday tasks using state-of-the-art technical assistance systems.
To the CYBATHLON EditionCYBATHLON Challenges
The CYBATHLON Challenges offer development teams the opportunity to involve people with disabilities in their development process from the very beginning and to test their assistance systems in a competitive situation.
To the CYBATHLON ChallengesCYBATHLON Symposium
The CYBATHLON Symposium brings together leading experts and young researchers to present and discuss current technological advances in assistance systems in the disciplines of CYBATHLON.
To the CYBATHLON SymposiumCYBATHLON Lectures Series
The CYBATHLON Lectures series offers a platform for the CYBATHLON teams to explore specific topics related to the CYBATHLON disciplines and assistive technology development.
The CYBATHLON Lectures SeriesCYBATHLON Series
The CYBATHLON Series drive the worldwide scientific exchange and significantly promote the discussion about disabilities and assistive technologies. Each CYBATHLON Series focuses on one of the CYBATHLON disciplines.
To the CYBATHLON SeriesCYBATHLON Experience
The goal of the CYBATHLON Experiences is to bring assistive technologies closer to the public and enable visitors to gain deeper insights into the advantages and limitations of the technologies for people with disabilities.
To the CYBATHLON ExperienceProjects
The CYBATHLON @school project offers teaching modules on the topics of inclusion and robotics in various subjects. The project seeks to make teachers, children and young people more aware of the everyday challenges faced by those with disabilities, and to promote inclusion. Individuals with a disability have helped to develop the teaching modules and also assist in presenting them at school. The modules are aligned with curriculum 21.
More about CYBATHLON @schoolRelated Projects and Initiatives
Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) at ETH Zurich
The ETH Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) coordinates ETH Zurich’s Rehab Initiative. The competence centre RESC is a nexus of expertise from academia, hospitals, industry, government, healthcare, disability organisations, and other NPOs. Its mission is the establishment of a holistic rehabilitation approach to better meet the needs of patients and people with physical disabilities by facilitating research and transfer, fostering an interdisciplinary network, and raising awareness along the continuum-of-care.
More about RESCBarrier-Free at ETH Zurich
In autumn 2020, the Executive Board of ETH Zurich gave the green light to the implementation of the barrier-free project: over the course of the next few years, people with disabilities or people with special needs – whether students, lecturers, researchers, staff or visitors – should benefit from greatly improved access to ETH buildings and services. The cornerstone of the ETH-wide implementation programme is the institutional approach to the issue and the development of an open and inclusive culture.
More about the projectHackaHealth
HackaHealth is a community that supports the development of personalised solutions for people with disabilities, in order to improve their daily living. HackaHealth deeply believes in the power of togetherness, and fighting disability through inclusion - not only function. The community cultivates play, sharing, openness, and designing with a purpose. They live through annual hackathons, a university course at EPFL, and through online resources that can be openly remixed and hacked.
More about HackaHealth