FES / Functional Electrical Stimulation Bike Race

Vienna FES 2


About the Team

Vienna has a distinguished history in the field of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES), contributing significantly to its evolution from early innovations in implantable stimulators for gait restoration, to the discovery of stimulation for denervated muscles, and even advancing atrophy prevention in space. The pioneering efforts of Viennese researchers have left an indelible mark on the development of FES as we know it today.

In tribute to this legacy, VIENNA FES is picking up new momentum, building on the fundamental knowledge of previous generations. As an academic team, it is affiliated with the Medical University of Vienna. The team is led by Martin Schmoll, who is proud to present VIENNA FES as the first Austrian team to participate in the Cybathlon 2024, competing in the FES-Cycling discipline.

The team benefits from an exceptional collaboration with the Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Occupational Medicine. Under the guidance of a.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Crevenna, MMSc, MBA, the team's training and medical supervision are tightly monitored by Dr. Anna Pataraia, ensuring the highest safety standards for the pilots. Additionally, the team is supported by Dr. Timothy Hasenöhrl, a sports scientist who provides expert advice on training regimens and nutrition.

From a technological standpoint, VIENNA FES is composed of a team of highly skilled engineers with diverse expertise. Only through the intense dedication of Quang Nguyen (electronics and multimedia), Bernhard Rosenauer (mechanics) and Erik Kornfellner (3D printing and technical support) it is possible to tackle this interdisciplinary challenge. The team additionally benefits from the invaluable insights and mentorship of original VIENNA FES pioneers Winfried Mayr, Manfred Bijak, and Hermann Lanmüller.

The team´s mission is clear: “Pushing the boundaries of FES-Cycling”

Header image: Andreas Renner
Other media: Quang Nguyen and Team

About the Pilot

Cedric Kapfenberger is one of the pilots competing for Austria at the Cybathlon 2024. He is currently 37 years old and is always up for various sportive activities. In 2020 he had an unfortunate accident on a Motorcross, he ended up with a complete paralysis from level Th7. Since then he is actively engaging in various therapy and sport programs. From cruising along the Danube island with his hand-trike or motorized wheelchair, over badminton to occasional fishing with his friends – an active and sportive lifestyle is central for him. With his participation, he is not only supporting scientific advances, but also helping to push technological boundaries for an improved healthcare. He is training up to 3 times a week on the VIENNA FES trike, while mostly enjoying the training sessions over ground.

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