LEG / Leg Prosthesis Race

Össur Bionics


About the Team

Össur is a global leader in non-invasive orthopaedics that helps people live a life without limitations. The company is focused on improving people's mobility through the delivery of innovative technologies in the fields of Prosthetics and Bracing & Supports and has a successful track record in the development, production, and sale of non-invasive orthopaedics. The Research and Development department in Iceland focuses on mechanical and bionic solutions for lower-limb loss.

About the Pilot

Gauti Stefánsson has been working as an electrical engineer at Össur Iceland for 8 years. Prior to his unilateral transfemoral amputation, he had been working on the design and implementation of the latest Power Knee for five years. He is therefore familiar with all the ins and outs of the product, and is very excited to show the world what he can do with it!

About the Device

The Power Knee is the world’s first commercially available motor-powered microprocessor knee. Active assistance powers flexion and extension to mimic concentric and eccentric muscle activity. Advanced sensors accurately detect the user’s movements and inform the microprocessor where state-of-the-art algorithms enable the knee to respond to the user’s needs. A powerful motor provides a consistent stance phase but also a free swing phase. Delivering active extension when standing up, controlled resistance when descending, active flexion and extension during walking and energy returning stance flexion, Power Knee facilitates symmetrical weight distribution and natural gait.

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